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 Jeff Walton - Class of '68

Note:  If you have not passed away, you are NOT allowed to be on this list! 

We rely on names and information from public records and classmates.

Please contact us ASAP if you see a mistake.

A few souls from our school days have passed on.  We all shared
a common growing experience and miss those that have departed. 
- Our list grows long too soon. -

In memory of the following ( 62 ) Classmates that have passed away:

Our Classmate (Photo) Click for More Information Date
 Mark W. Allen Industrial Accident 2011
 Richard Armstrong (classmate thru 1967) Unknown 2020
 Rebecca Ann Baker Diabetes 1989
 David Peter Barsness Auto Accident 1968
 Richard G. Berg Drowning 1973
 Gerald F. Berthiaume Drowning ?
 Thomas L. Berthiaume Accident Injuries 2019
 Mary R. Borer Cancer 2021
 Jim P. Bowman Effects of Chemicals 1985
 Chris Willian Brownlie Disease 1989
 Austin F. Burgi Unknown 2015
 Larry John Carlston Leukemia 2013
 Martha Jeanne Conrad Cancer 2008
 Janeth Leigh Cotter Cancer 2017
 (John) Scott Elverhaug Airplane Crash 1968
 Gregory James Etzel Cancer 2002
 Mary Alice Etzel Leukemia/Covid-19 2021
 Steven John Frahm Construction Accident 1982
 Harvey Freund Heart Attack 1996
 David Joseph Frost Unknown 2020
 Barbara H. Grandt Brain Aneurysm 2010
 Janis Gredzens Disease ?
 Michael Arthur Gustafson Kidney Failure 2005
 Tury Hage Cancer 2020
 Gigi V. Haglund Cancer 2018
 Dale P. Haney Unknown 2021
 Michael D. Hawkins Cancer 2003
 Nancy Lynn Heinitz Cancer 2014
 Lynn C. Hollander (classmate thru 1966) Unknown 2020
 Steven A. Jensen Accidental Fall 2019
 Brian Keith Johnson ATV Accident 2013
 David M. Johnson Illness 2019
 Joanne D. Johnson Cancer 2022
 Larry G. Johnson Unknown 2019
 Richard D. Johnson Cancer 2019
 Michael Steven Jones Pulmonary Embolism 2015
 Vicki Lynn Jorgenson Lung Cancer 2011
 James D. LaBelle Leukemia Complications 2024
 Suzan Lepowsky (Iversen) Lung Cancer 2010
 Susan D. Lindelof Alzheimers 2019
 Kenneth W. Luby Passed During Sleep 2023
 Mark Mason Lundberg Effects of Chemicals 2002
 Bonnie M. McCannel


 David Lawrence McIntosh Unknown 2003
 Gary W. Midge

Lymphoma and COPD

 Mike Nielsen Depression 1967
 Patricia Ann O'Dea Alzheimers 2017
 Susan Olsen Unknown 2017
 Gary Lee Palmquist Unknown 2018
 Ronald A. Peipus Cancer 2011
 Candace K. Quaal Unknown 2002
 Marlene J. Rolfsen Cancer 2017
 James Elmer Shenk Surgical Complications 1971
 James Brian Squiers Effects of Chemicals 2007
 John Louis Stowe Heart Attack 2007
 David Dennis Streich Leukemia 2002
 Janet Grace Swanson (Gianotti) Cancer 2007
 Michael John Thielges Heart Attack 2023
 David VanVleet (classmate thru 1966) C.O.P.D. 2013
 Marjorie Ann Vieregge (Kirwin) Colon Cancer 1989
 Douglas A. Vogel   Cancer 2021
 James D. Wicklatz Cancer 2018
 Claudia J. Wiethoff Heart Disease 2019
 Elizabeth H. Wyatt Covid 2024


Any information, except an obituary, is "unofficial".  Sources include:

1:  Classmates
2:  Newspapers
3:  Public Records


Teacher  (Click for more info)
Includes: Teachers, Counselors, Staff
(with us during our journey to graduation)

George Anderson - U.S.History 1991
Donald P. Anderson - English 2021
Duane Bittle - Biology 2004
Frank Blonigan - Librarian 1998
Willard Budnick - Practical Music, Band 1998
Carol Calgren - Home Economics 2008
Bill Campbell - Geometry, Advanced Algebra 2015
Darrell Danner - English 1996
Cedrick Detloff - Physics, Natural Science 1992
Paul Ditty - Typing 2005
Guel Dostal - Art 1998
Phil Fraser - English 2012
Don Freeberg - English, Journalism ?
Jim Graven - Physical Education 2013
David Halverson - Machine Shop 2016
James Heltzer - Social Studies 2011
Richard Hanley - 10th Grade English; Basketball; Baseball 2020
Jim Hembre - Chemistry 2014
Arthur Hoff - Social Studies 2010
Les Horn - Guidance Counselor 2013
Roald H. Johnson - Principal 1997
Lowell Kleppe - Science 2023
William Koski - Guidance Counselor 1985
James Lewis - World History 2015
Amy McPhee - English 2010
Charles Mann - DECA, Marketing and Management 2022
William Manning - Administration 2007
Robert Miggins - Business, Bookkeeping 1985
Edward Miller - U.S. History 2014
John Muchlinski - Mathematics 2016
Duane Nelson - Geometry, Advanced Mathematics 2012
Morris Ness - Guidance Counselor 2011
Virginia Ohman - Spanish 1990
Charles Peterson - Phy Ed, Wrestling Coach 2020
Richard Peterson - World History, Ancient History ?
Gordon Rabens - Electricity, Mechanical Drawing 2008
Dorothy Ramsland - French 2004
Keith Schafer - Phy Ed, Baseball, Hockey, Football Coach 2023
Norman Schroeder - Shop, Basketball Coach 2019
Pat Sheehy - English, Speech 1991
Byron Snow - Band 2004
Jerry Trushenski - Art 1993
Jean Vinton - English 1991
Tony Zigneigo - Shorthand, Bookkeeping 2007


Last Update April 28, 2024
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